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Image by Jack T


KotlinConf 2024

Droidcon Berlin 2024

10 Reasons to Try Kotlin Multiplatform

Those in the know will surely be aware that the Kotlin ecosystem has been transforming. Thanks to new compilers, libraries, and frameworks, Kotlin has become a multiplatform environment. You can develop compelling apps on the desktop, iOS, Android, and even WebAssembly – all from a single codebase. As such, Kotlin Multiplatform is now in direct competition with technologies like Flutter and React Native.

Is multiplatform development a realistic proposition? What should drive you to choose Kotlin Multiplatform over the alternatives? In this talk, I’ll take a close look at the Kotlin Multiplatform technology and ecosystem and offer ten compelling reasons why you should give it a go!

Image by Jon Tyson


Appdevcon 2024
Android Worldwide 2023

Droidcon Kenya 2023

Google I/O Extended Cape Town 2023

The Evolution of Kotlin Multiplatform: Present and Near Future

When Kotlin Multiplatform reached stable status in October 2023, it was an important milestone for many in the Kotlin community. However, JetBrains and the passionate Kotlin community have been hard at work extending the technology and ecosystem even further!

In this talk, I’ll be sharing the latest developments in Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform, and how it will benefit all kinds of developers both now and in the very near future. Some of the highlights of this talk include:

- 🚀 The exciting developments you can expect from the Kotlin team
- 🛠️ Details and demos of the cutting-edge tooling that will make your KMP journey even sweeter
- ❤️ Showing some love  to the community: showcasing the latest community contributions and solutions

The audience will leave knowing all the news about what is happening in the Kotlin Multiplatform world, and will be inspired and equipped to continue or even start their journey with us!

Kotlin Multiplatform Alchemy: Making Gold out of Your Swift Interop

Now that Kotlin Multiplatform has reached Stable, the technology is ready to be adopted and deployed into production. However, one aspect frequently causes irritation in the mobile use case: Kotlin/Swift interoperability. This issue often leads to compromise on one or both sides, with solutions that are not idiomatic in either language. So how can this be mitigated, if not completely resolved?

In this talk, I will focus on the current state of Kotlin/Swift interoperability and the limitations you can expect to encounter when developing your Kotlin Multiplatform apps. I will share tips and tricks on making Kotlin Multiplatform APIs that will make your team's integration code shine. I will also explain JetBrains' exciting plans for improving Kotlin/Swift interoperability.

Join the session to discover how to turn your interop difficulties into Multiplatform gold!

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GOTO Copenhagen 2023
Droidcon Uganda November 2023

Best Practices for Developing Amazing Kotlin Multiplatform Apps

Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) has become a popular choice for teams wanting to share code between platforms, especially between iOS and Android. While knowledge of Kotlin and the Android platform is a good start to understanding this technology, there’s still plenty to learn and master. In this talk, we will focus on the recommended approaches to getting Kotlin Multiplatform right.

More specifically, we will learn about:
- Improving your Kotlin/Swift interoperability.
- Using the expect/actual mechanism correctly.
- Doing concurrent operations with coroutines and flows in Kotlin Multiplatform apps.

After this session, participants will have a better understanding of the complexities of developing Kotlin Multiplatform applications and how to best navigate this new and exciting landscape.

Image by David Marcu


In CFP (call for papers) process

Image by Katie Moum


Tech(k)now Day 2021
DevFest South Africa 2019

Comparing Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI: Fun with Declarative UIs - With PJ Welcome

Declarative UIs are a hot 🔥 topic right now, whether you're in #team-android 🤖 with Jetpack Compose or #team-apple 🍎 with SwiftUI.

Join Peter-John and Pamela to learn:
- What declarative UIs are 🤔
- The basics of creating a Netflix clone with Compose and SwiftUI in an epic live-coding battle of the toolkits 📚
- When to adopt ⏳
- Best practices for successful toolkit adoption 👨🏽‍🏫👩🏻‍🏫

According to the World Health Organisation, over a billion people, or 15% of the world's population, have some form of disability. Sadly, there are many misconceptions around accessibility, and accessibility is often an afterthought when designing and coding apps.

This talk aims to inform the audience about the various types of disabilities, followed by a discussion on the many tools the Android platform provides for those affected by disabilities.

After laying the foundation, I shift gears, giving best practices to design and develop Android apps with accessibility in mind. Rounding off the talk, I demonstrate how to test for accessibility using some cool Google tools. By the end of the talk, the audience will be empowered to become real accessibility allies!

Image by Adam Whitlock


Droidcon Nigeria 2021

Droidcon Online Worldwide 2022

Image by Rachael Gorjestani


KotlinConf 2019

Creating Full-stack Web Apps with Kotlin DSLs

Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are a great way to create beautifully readable code. This session will explore why Kotlin's syntax lends itself to creating elegant DSLs by examining how to build a full-stack web app with:
- Ktor to create an asynchronous backend
- Exposed to develop a data access layer
- kotlinx.html to build a frontend

I will introduce each framework/library briefly, illustrate the DSL using examples, and explain why it’s an example of a great DSL. By the end of the session, you will have a new appreciation of the beautiful DSLs that can be created using Kotlin!

Exploring the Kotlin Multiplatform Ecosystem

Kotlin Multiplatform is a new cross-platform technology from JetBrains that is taking the mobile world by storm. Many Android and iOS developers have given this exciting technology a try. However, an essential consideration for any technology's adoption is the state of its ecosystem.

This talk aims to help mobile developers understand the depth and breadth of the Kotlin Multiplatform ecosystem. It will focus on areas common to most applications, such as:
- Networking
- Persistence
- Concurrency
- Dependency Injection
- Crash Reporting
- Logging
By the end of the talk, the audience will have a richer understanding of the state of the ecosystem and be able to decide whether Kotlin Multiplatform will work for their apps.

Image by Raimond Klavins


KotlinConf April 2023

AndroidMakers by Droidcon April 2023

Image by No Revisions


Appdevcon 2022

Droidcon Kenya 2022

I Code Java 2022

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (or KMM) is a new SDK from JetBrains that allows iOS and Android developers to share code between the two platforms. The shared code is written in Kotlin. Typical use cases include: sharing networking, data storage, internal libraries, and algorithms, but the choice is yours!

While most Android developers love writing their apps in Kotlin, iOS developers are understandably wary of adopting KMM. This talk will give both iOS and Android developers the tools to confidently get started with KMM. This talk will include:
- An introduction of KMM and its benefits.
- A demo showing how to create a basic app with KMM.
- An argument for KMM, based on my research and journey from KMM skeptic to realist. I’ll also share the thoughts and experiences of others.

By the end of this talk, I will have covered enough content for teams to get started with KMM in their existing codebases and start reaping the rewards of this exciting new technology.

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile: From Hello World to Production - With Tadeas Kriz

Have you given Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile a try? Are you wondering how you take your “Hello World” app to something with more substance that is also ready for production? This talk will help with that by discussing:
- Use case scenarios, including how to incorporate the technology into existing applications.
- Recommendations and how-to’s for choosing and implementing your app architecture.
- Approaches for unit and automated testing.
- Suggestions for getting your CI/CD pipelines in place.
- Recommendations for debugging crashes in production.

The talk will conclude with some extra resources that will take your understanding to the next level. By the end of this talk, you should be able to take your “Hello World” to “Hello Editor’s Choice.”

Image by Vladislav Klapin


Droidcon London 2022

Advanced Kotlin Dev Days 2022

Image by Rachael Gorjestani


DevFest South Africa 2018

Level up in Kotlin (for Android)

Kotlin has taken the Android world by storm since its official support in 2017. Many Android developers are coding or have at least an active interest in Kotlin. This talk aims to help Android developers level up their Kotlin skills, focussing on intermediate/expert language features such as coroutines (and their use with Android Architectural Components), DSLs (including the Jetpack Compose DSL), and conventions.

Kotlin, Kotlin Everywhere

Many developers are under the mistaken impression that Kotlin is just for the Android platform. However, more and more developers are starting to use Kotlin for web backends and even frontends. This talk will touch on the most popular language features of Kotlin. However, the bulk of the talk will consist of demonstrating that Kotlin can and should also be used for full-stack web development. I will take the audience through the development of a web app using Kotlin/JVM on the backend and Kotlin/JS on the frontend, using Spring Boot and React respectively.

Image by Greg Rakozy


DevConf 2020

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